Andrew Lucas

Department of Physics

University of Colorado Boulder

I am an associate professor of physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. My group's work spans multiple disciplines of theoretical and mathematical physics, including condensed matter, hydrodynamics, statistical physics, high energy physics, atomic physics and quantum information.
Breakdown of hydrodynamics in a fracton fluid.

Hydrodynamics can be unstable in many-body systems due to microscopic thermal noise. We predicted and numerically observed the breakdown of hydrodynamics in kinematically constrained fluids, which will occur below four spatial dimensions; the two different scaling exponents depicted correspond to fluids with or without the most strongly relevant perturbation turned on.

Group photo.

The Lucas theory group in September 2024. From left to right: Bottom row: Jack, Aaron, Xiaoyang, Andy (me), Ben M, Tianhao, Chao. Top row: Sergio, Yun, Yiqiu, Ben B, Akshay, Quintin, Jinkang, Umang, Amit, Oliver, Isabella

Recent News

  • 05/24:   I am promoted to associate professor!
  • 05/24:   Many students graduate! PhD student Yifan graduates and moves to Maryland; PhD student Marvin graduates and moves to Chicago; PhD student Andrew graduates and moves to Princeton; undergrad Andrew graduates and moves to Yale; REU undergrad Elijah graduates and moves to MIT!
  • 03/24:   I am part of a $3M collaborative effort to explore quantum gravity using holographic models realizable with cold atoms, funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation!
  • 12/23:   I won an AFOSR Young Investigator Award to investigate connections between quantum error correction and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics!
  • 09/23: With PhD student Chao and alumnus Chi-Fang (Anthony) Chen, we have published a comprehensive review article on Lieb-Robinson and locality bounds on quantum information dynamics.
  • 07/23: I am awarded $1.2M from DOE's Quantum Testbed Pathfinder for quantum computing research, as part of a collaboration with University of Maryland!
  • 04/23: Koushik successfully defends his PhD, and Henry successfully defends his honors thesis. Congrats!
  • 06/22:   Jinkang's paper on novel dynamical universality classes in fracton fluids has been published in Nature Physics!
  • 06/22:   Caleb gets his PhD from Stanford; congrats!
  • For news from over 2 years ago, click here.

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